Montana Fish Report
The Illinois is open to trout fishing
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Illinois is open to trout fishing. There are no hatchery programs on the Illinois, so anglers will mostly encounter wild cutthroat and rainbow trout. These fish should be released unharmed. With temperatures starting to cool a bit, trout fishing should be picking up a bit. Fish will still likely be near tributaries or in deeper pools.
There is no salmon fishing allowed on the Illinois River, and beginning Oct.1 through Nov.30, there will be an all fishing closure from Pomeroy Dam downstream to the 8 Dollar Bridge Rd bridge, which crosses the Illinois River. Tributaries and the mainsteam Illinois, upstream of Pomeroy Dam are closed year-round to fishing.
There is good public bank access along 8 Dollar Rd. just north of Kerby, and Illinois River Rd. outside of Selma, all the way downstream to Miami Bar. Please park outside of the white lines to keep roads clear. Do your part and pack out what you pack in, as well as someone elses trash. There is trash service available at the Siskiyou Field Institute outside of Selma.
The USFS Wild Rivers Ranger District is in extreme fire danger and has implemented Level 3 fire precautions. More information can be found on their website.
Check the USGS Kerby guage which provides up to date river flow information.