Montana Fish Report
Coho season opened on the Grande Ronde on Oct. 1
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Trout fishing can be quite good during the fall with good October caddis hatches that get the trout feeding. Recent rains will have flows slightly up and put fish on the move. Look for steelhead fishing in the to improve over the next week.
Coho season opened on the Grande Ronde on Oct. 1 and some fish are already being caught. The regulations for the coho harvest on the Grande Ronde River are as follows: Open Oct. 1 through Nov.30, 2021, or until further notice from the Oregon-Washington border upstream to the Wildcat Bridge, approximately 7 miles upstream of the town of Troy, OR. The bag limit for adult coho salmon (>20 inches) will be two (2). For jack coho salmon (≤ 20 inches) the bag limit will be five (5) with two daily limits in possession.
Steelhead are showing up in the fishery as well and some reports of successful anglers have been received.
With a diverse makeup of fish species that anglers may encounter this year, anglers are encouraged to brush up on their fish identification skills and to release any fish that they are unsure of the species.