Montana Fish Report
ODFW Recreation Report

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
It's not too early
If all that’s left of your 2021 hunt are the memories, there’s still one last thing to do. You need to report your hunt and why wait until the last minute? You can report online or with an ODFW license agent. ODFW offices remain closed to walk-in traffic.
Free Fishing Days
#optoutside for Black Friday
The Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving are Free Fishing Days in Oregon. That means you can fish, crab or clam for free – no license, tag or endorsement required. Some restrictions apply, as in all current closures, bag limits and other regulations still apply. If you’re looking for a place to take the family, we’ve got 101 suggestions. And if you live near Portland, Bend, Medford, Roseburg, Lane County or on the south coast, there are lots of nearby options.
Best bets for fishing this weekend:
- The Kilchis and Wilson rivers should be in good shape for the weekend and are the best options for late season Chinook.
- November is a good time to check out the coho fishery in Siltcoos and Tahkenitch lakes.
- And while you’re at the coast, consider some crabbing. November is often some of the best crabbing of the year.
- Fish Lake and Lost Creek Reservoir serve up some great trout fishing in the fall.
- Summer steelhead fishing continues to be good (still!) on the Middle Rogue.
- Junction City Pond, Walling Pond and Waverly Lake were all stocked with HUGE brood trout last week.
- Coho fishing continues on the Sandy.
- Both the Crooked and Blitzen rivers should be fishing well for native trout.
- Trout fishing in Cottonwood Meadow Lake has been excellent and should continue to be good until snow limits access.
- Trout fishing also should be good on the Wallowa River.
- Steelhead are available throughout the Snake River and fish are being caught directly below Hells Canyon Dam.
Winter whale watching
Gray whales will soon be making their migration south from Alaska to Mexico. The peak time to see these interesting animals along the Oregon coast is during the winter holidays. Many state parks make good spots for whale watching. More information about gray whales is available at
Game bird harvest statistics at ODFW wildlife areas
As upland bird and waterfowl hunting continue, hunters can use the harvest statistics from ODFW wildlife areas to help plan their next hunting trip.