Montana Fish Report

The Illinois is known for having a run of some earlier running winter steelhead

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Illinois is known for having a run of some earlier running winter steelhead in late December and early January. Anglers are reminded that no bait is allowed on the Illinois River, and soft plastic imitations of eggs or worms are considered bait. Hence, leave your rubber pink worms or soft beads at home. 

Illinois downstream of Pomeroy Dam is open to angling for Steelhead and trout, but closed year-round to salmon fishing. Upstream of Pomeroy Dam and all tributaries are also closed year-round. All fishing is closed from Fall Creek to 400 feet above Illinois Falls (near the swinging bridge along Illinois River Rd.). If you suspect illegal activity, please call OSP or the local ODFW District Office.

Trout fishing is mostly catch-and-release for wild trout as there is no hatchery on the Illinois system. 

Wild steelhead may be retained between Klondike Creek to Fall Creek and from 400 feet above Illinois Falls, upstream to Pomeroy Dam. Wild steelhead must be at least 24 inches long to harvest and the bag limit is 1 per day/3 per year in aggregate for the Southwest Zone rivers where wild steelhead harvest is allowed (consult SW Zone regulations).  

There is also good bank access along the Illinois River Rd. outside of Selma, all the way downstream to Miami Bar, however with recent winter weather, access may be a challenge.  Be prepared for anything. Expect to hike to some of the better fishing spots. Please park outside of the white lines to keep roads clear. Do your part and pack out what you pack in, as well as someone else’s trash. There is trash service available at the Siskiyou Field Institute outside of Selma. 8 dollar road, just north of Kerby, also has good public access.

Much of the publicly accessible reaches of the Illinois River fall under the USFS Wild Rivers Ranger District. More information can be found on their website.

Flows sharply peaked at 12,400 cfs/17.02 feet on Tuesday and have been dropping since.  Wednesday morning the flow was 8650/13.87 and expected to drop through early Friday, followed by a little bump then dropping into next week. Check the USGS Kerby guage which provides up to date river flow information.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, January 6th, 2022
Gerber Reservoir: The reservoir is frozen. Ice thickness is unknown
John C Boyle Reservoir: The reservoir might be partially frozen
Upper Klamath Lake: The lake is frozen except near the outlet
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Report
Lake Of The Woods: Ice thickness is unknown but currently not safe for ice fishing
Willow Valley Reservoir: The reservoir is low and likely frozen
Applegate Reservoir: The only useable boat ramp at Applegate Reservoir is the French Gulch Boat Ramp
Applegate River: As of Wednesday morning, the Wilderville stream gage was reading 1,280 cfs and dropping
Arizona Pond: This pond received a sizeable batch of fresh rainbow trout over the holidays
Ben Irving Reservoir: Reservoir is likely murky and may inhibit certain methods.
Chetco River: Steelhead fishing has been really good
Coos River: Steelhead anglers have been catching hatchery steelhead
Coquille River: The rivers are currently high and muddy
Diamond Lake: The last report said the ice was not quite thick enough to start fishing on
Elk River: Steelhead fishing should be excellent
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is close to deadpool
Fish Lake : The current lake level is 35 percent full and the lake is filling slowly
Galesville Reservoir: The reservoir has started to fill again but it is still very low
Garrison Lake: Bank anglers can find access at the 12th street or Pinehurst boat ramps and off Paradise Point Road
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Earlier in the week is that there’s about 6 inches of snow over about 4-6 inches of ice covering the lake
Hyatt Lake: Expect winter weather conditions for the weekend and a frozen lake

ROSEBURG, Ore – ODFW asks anglers who harvest a hatchery winter steelhead to put the snout in specially marked collection...... Read More