Montana Fish Report

Flows on the Grande Ronde River have remained consistent again this week

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Flows on the Grande Ronde River have remained consistent again this week. However, some weather expected to arrive later in the week is forecasted to result in an increase in flows. When it is warm enough, fishing conditions may be good for steelhead, rainbow trout and mountain whitefish. However, anglers may have a difficult time fishing on days when the air temperature does not rise above freezing. If flows rise, anglers may increase their success if they focus on areas where the current is soft near the shore or in pool tailouts.

Coho season is closed on the Grande Ronde. Anglers may still encounter some late season coho salmon throughout January so anglers should be sure to correctly identify any fish they plan to harvest to ensure they do not accidentally harvest a late season coho salmon.

With the diverse makeup of fish species that anglers may encounter on the Grande Ronde River, anglers are encouraged to brush up on their fish identification skills and to release any fish that they are unsure of the species.

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