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Montana Fish Report

ODFW Staff Recommendations for 2022 Recreational Halibut Seasons Available

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

ODFW staff recommendations for 2022 recreational Pacific halibut season dates

Thank you to everyone who provide input via the online public meeting, online survey, phone calls, and e-mails.  ODFW staff have used that input to develop our staff recommendations for the 2022 recreational Pacific halibut seasons, outlined below.  Reminder, season dates are not final until the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission adopts them at their April 22 meeting.

The information below summarized in the 2022 Recreational Halibut Season Map 

Columbia River Subarea


  • Quota = 18,537 pounds
  • Open Thursdays and Sundays beginning May 5 through May 26.  If quota remains can be open every Thursday and Sunday through the earlier of the quota getting caught or June 30.
  • May Open Dates:  Thurs, May 5; Sun, May 8; Thurs, May 12; Sun, May 15; Thurs, May 19; Sun, May 22; Thurs, May 26


  • Quota = 500 pounds
  • Open Mondays through Wednesdays inside the 40-fathom regulatory line off Oregon beginning May 9, through the earlier of the quota getting caught or Sept. 30.

Central Oregon Coast Subarea

Spring All-Depth Season

  • Quota = 169,963 pounds
  • Fixed dates: May 12 through June 30, seven days per week
  • Back-up dates available (if quota remaining): July 7-9 & July 21-23

Summer All-Depth Season

  • Quota = 67,445 pounds
  • Opens Aug 4-6, then every other Thurs-Sat through the earlier of the quota getting caught, or Oct 31, whichever is earlier
  • Additional days per week and/or weeks may be added inseason depending on how much quota is available


  • Quota = 32,374 pounds
  • Opens May 1, seven days per week, inside the 40-fathom regulatory line, through the earlier of the quota getting caught, or Oct. 31

Southern Oregon Subarea

  • Quota = 8,000 pounds
  • Opens May 1, seven days per week through the earlier of the quota getting caught, or Oct. 31


For more info on tagging salmon and halibut, see:



For additional information see the ODFW recreational halibut webpage:  https://myodfw.com/pacific-halibut-sport-regulations

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, February 16th, 2022
Upper Klamath Lake: The lake is 2.9 feet below full pool and 55 percent full
Agate Lake: Agate received 1,000 legal rainbow trout this week
Applegate Reservoir: The reservoir is at 19 percent capacity
Applegate River: The river coloreed up a little bit with the Monday rain
Arizona Pond: Young anglers may have some success early in the morning
Chetco River: Current water conditions are low and clear
Elk River: Steelhead fishing is slow as water conditions are low and clear
Fish Lake : There were still anglers on the ice this past weekend
Floras Lake: Current water temperatures are on the chilly side
Garrison Lake: The lake can hold some pretty good numbers of holdover trout
Lake Selmac: About 5,000 legal rainbow trout were stocked here on Valentine’s day
Pistol River: Water levels are low as we have not had much rain recently
Plat I Reservoir: Plat I is a great place to fish for warmwater fish this time of year
Rogue River- Lower: Water conditions are clear and steelhead fishing effort has slowed some
Rogue River - Middle: Expect the river to be pretty steady for the foreseeable future
Rogue River- Upper: Best bets for the upper river would be concentrating on the area between Shady Cove and Touvell
Sixes River: Current conditions are low and clear
Umpqua River: Steelhead fishing has been steady
Willow Lake: Willow Lake just received 2,000 legal rainbow trout this week
Wilson River: One on the best bets for hatchery winter steelhead for the remainder of the season
Trask River: The Trask has been very low and clear and as a result the fishing has been fairly slow
Siuslaw River: Winter steelhead continues to be slow on the Siuslaw but anglers are catching fish every day
Siletz River: Winter steelhead fishing continues to be slow on the Siletz
Nestucca River: The Nestucca has been low and as a result fishing has been a little slow
Three Rivers: Three Rivers has been very low and clear
Nehalem River- North Fork: Majority of the hatchery run on this basin is winding down
Nehalem River: The Nehalem has been in good shape for the past month
Necanicum River: The hatchery winter steelhead run on the Necanicum River is winding down
Kilchis River: The Kilchis River is still very low and clear
Alsea River: Winter steelhead fishing continues to be fair on the Alsea
Hood River: Winter steelhead are currently returning to the Hood River basin
Grande Ronde River: Hatchery steelhead will continue to be available to anglers on the Grande Ronde
Umatilla River: The flows in the Umatilla have come up a bit and anglers should start see fish moving
Wallowa Lake : Wallowa Lake currently has ice on it, but the ice is very thin in some parts
Brownlee Reservoir: There have been no recent fishing reports from Brownlee Reservoir
Snake River- Below Hells Canyon Reservoir: Fishing effort for steelhead on the Snake River below Hells Canyon Reservoir has been light at times
EE Wilson Angling Pond: The pond is stocked with trout from February through May
Green Peter Reservoir: The water level has been slowly rising now that refill season has begun
This lake was stocked last week with about 900 hatchery trout

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