Montana Fish Report


by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The 2022 Ocean Salmon Industry Group meeting (OSIG) is scheduled for this coming Monday, February 28, 2022. This pre-season planning meeting will provide a review of the 2021 seasons, take a first look at the 2022 salmon forecasts, and develop a set of Oregon preferred recreational and commercial ocean salmon season concepts via public input to take forward through the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) regulation setting process. The OSIG meeting will be held virtually on-line again this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic limitations.

This ocean season planning meeting is open to all ocean sport fishing anglers and charter operators, commercial salmon troll fishers, and any others interested in participating in the development of the 2022 ocean salmon seasons. Staff from ODFW will provide background materials and presentations and then work with meeting attendees to develop preferred season alternatives to use as guidance moving forward through the Pacific Fishery Management Council's season setting process. The on-line meeting is planned to start at 10:00 AM on Monday, February 28. It is recommended that participants test their system prior to the meeting to iron out any technical problems they may have (there is an option available to call in by phone).  There will be a lunch break between 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM that will also give participants time to formulate concepts for proposals. Links to the agenda and briefing materials for the meeting are now posted at

Please visit the PFMC’s website for details on their March and April meetings. 


Topic: 2022 Ocean Salmon Industry Group Meeting

Time: Monday, Feb 28, 2022; 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Microsoft Teams meeting

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+1 503-446-4951   837708957#   United States, Portland

Phone Conference ID: 837 708 957#

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If you have questions prior to the meeting, please email Eric Schindler at  (Note that all ODFW email addresses were changed in 2021 to the extention).

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, February 24th, 2022
ODFW Recreation Report
Blitzen River: River levels are stable and slightly below average
Gerber Reservoir: Targeting yellow perch continues to be your best bet
John C Boyle Reservoir: Fishing is slow
Upper Klamath Lake: Upper Klamath Report
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Upper Klamath Report
Krumbo Reservoir: Fishing from the bank has been productive for large trout
Malheur Reservoir: Ice is currently at least 7 inches thick
Yellowjacket Lake: There is plenty of Ice on Yellowjacket Reservoir
Coquille River: Coquille River Basin Report
Illinois River: With water levels continuing to drop and water gin clear
Lake Selmac: Weed growth is down and all boat ramps are accessible
Rogue River - Middle: Wild steelhead can now be retained above Hog Creek boat ramp
Rogue River- Upper: The summer Steelhead run is still trickling into the hatchery but is likely about over
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): Expect slow fishing and limited access with snow
Umpqua River: Umpqua River Fishing Report
St. Louis Ponds: St Louis Ponds now open year-round thanks to new automated gate
Winchuck River: Current conditions are low and clear
Kilchis River: The Kilchis River is still very low and clear
Necanicum River: The hatchery winter steelhead run on the Necanicum River is about done
Nehalem River: Plenty of catch-and-release opportunity for wild steelhead
Nestucca River: The Nestucca was slow for steelhead last weekend
Trask River: The Trask has been very low and clear
Wilson River: This will be one on the best bets for hatchery winter steelhead for the remainder of the season
Wallowa River: Wallowa River Fishing Report