Montana Fish Report
The Wilson blew out on Monday but dropped quickly and is back in shape

"Lauren with her first steelhead ever, caught on a green spinner." Hatchery buck steelhead, Wilson River
Photo Credit: Photo by Campbell Keahi Lord
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Wilson blew out on Monday but dropped quickly and is back in shape. It’s dropping fast and may be back on the low side by the weekend. There are still bright hatchery fish coming in. The Wilson River has a wild broodstock hatchery run, meaning the hatchery steelhead here are from wild origin. As such they mimic the wild run timing and there will still be bright hatchery steelhead available well into April. This will be one on the best bets for hatchery winter steelhead for the remainder of the season, and there is also catch-and-release opportunities for wild fish