Montana Fish Report
Trout fishing opens on Sunday, May 22
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Trout fishing opens on Sunday, May 22. Only adipose fin clipped trout may be retained. Salmon Flies have been seen around the Touvelle Area in the last week and should be showing in the Shady Cove area soon.
Wild winter steelhead retention is closed. Hatchery steelhead retention is open year-round. There are still winter steelhead around, with the best bets for these fish from Shady Cove upstream to the McGregor Fishing access near highway 62 crossing.
Anglers are reminded that the Hatchery Hole, which encompasses the blocker dam to 1200 feet below, is closed to ALL fishing from April 1 through July 31. It is also closed year-round to Chinook fishing.
Trout fishing is closed from April 1 through May 21. This is to protect out migrating wild steelhead smolts. This closure includes catch and release fishing for trout at this time as well.
River floating conditions are improving as flows out of the William L. Jess Dam are increasing this week. This should also get spring Chinook moving around more. Due to more winter steelhead spawning in the mainstem this year with low tributary flows, anglers should still be mindful to not step on or drag vessels over redds or Steelhead nests.
Chinook anglers are starting to pick up fish. Bank anglers are picking up fish around the Casey Park and McGregor fishing access areas and slightly downstream. Drift boat anglers are starting to pick up fish with sardine or tuna wrapped maglips or quickfish.
As of May 10, 211 new spring Chinook entered the hatchery bringing the year’s total to 213 fish. 212 winter steelhead entered the hatchery with 1,053 fish for the year to date. There should still be a few weeks of winter Steelhead showing at the hatchery.
The Dodge Bridge gauge was 1,500 cfs. Temperatures are reaching 60 degrees for the daily high. The McCloud guage was reading 1,210 on Wednesday with temps between 52 and 55 degrees. Flows out of the dam are 1011 cfs and 51 degrees. You can check all the USGS Rogue gauges here.