Montana Fish Report
The Tenmile Lake level was recently at 10 feet
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Tenmile Lake level was recently at 10 feet with water temperatures in the low 60s. Most of the largemouth bass are done spawning with some males still guarding fry. Bass anglers will find some fish still in the shallow water while other bass will start transitioning to deeper water.
Trout fishing in the lakes is open year-round. Legal-size rainbow trout have been stocked in both North and South Tenmile lakes. Trolling wedding ring spinners tipped with a worm works very well for catching trout in Tenmile Lakes. Anglers will need to experiment with different depths until they find the zone the trout are in.
Trout fishing in rivers and streams opened on May 22. Anglers are restricted to using artificial flies and lures in rivers and streams above tidewater.