Montana Fish Report
Trout stockings in the upper river started May 18
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Trout stockings in the upper river started May 18 and will continue weekly through Labor Day in this popular summer destination. Due to changes in low reservoirs in the Rogue district, the upper river will be receiving 3,500 trout weekly instead of the normal 2,500 fish. The USFS has all of the developed campgrounds open. You can learn more about this and all the upper Rogue facilities, trails, and any fire restrictions on the Rogue River Siskiyou National Forest website or calling their office.
Hatchery trucks now have access to all release sights in the Upper Rogue from Mill Creek near Prospect to Minnehaha creek.
Flows in the upper river are still elevated right now with snow runoff. Anglers will want to target slower pools and eddies. With higher spring runoff, wading can be hazardous in areas, with bedrock drop-offs present. However, there are plenty of trail access areas throughout the stocking reach.
The Rogue and tributaries above Lost Creek Reservoir remain open year-round, with a daily retention limit of 5 trout. Stocked rainbow trout in this reach are not fin-clipped. There are also residential cutthroat ,brown trout, and even the occasional brook trout that are periodically hooked by anglers.
Great techniques up here include throwing small Panther Martin spinners or small hooks with a single Pautske fire egg under a bobber. You also can’t go wrong fishing nymphs up here, or nightcrawlers under a bobber. With very cold water, be looking for areas where fish are holding or getting out of the high flows.
You’ll want to check the flows at prospect and above prospect if planning a trip up here. The USGS gauges can be found here.
ODOT trip check maintains a camera at Union Creek (OR62), where you can get an idea of weather and road conditions.