Montana Fish Report
Action Notice Commercial Troll: North of Cape Falcon

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
August 4, 2022 COMMERCIAL TROLL SALMON ACTION NOTICE (2 of 2): The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, the State of Washington, the State of California, and fishery representatives met today via conference call and have taken the following in-season management action related to the commercial troll salmon season from the US/Canada border to Cape Falcon:
In the area from the US/Canada Border to Cape Falcon, the weekly (Thursday- Wednesday) Chinook landing and possession limit season is increased to 40 Chinook per week effective 12:01 a.m. Friday, August 5, 2022. The hatchery coho landing and possession limit remains unchanged at 150 marked coho per landing week.
The summer fishery has a total Chinook quota of 9,000 fish. It is projected that by the end of the landing week that ended last night a total of 6,864 Chinook were landed during the summer season leaving 2,136 Chinook remaining on the quota. Commercial fishery participants requested the increase in the weekly limit to be able to access their remaining Chinook quota before the fish move out of the area.
Additional regulation notes for Oregon vessels:
- Vessels landing in Oregon with any catch from North of Cape Falcon are limited to only fishing between Leadbetter Pt., WA and Cape Falcon, OR.
- Vessels landing into Oregon must possess a valid commercial license and a valid troll salmon permit.
- Vessels landing into Oregon are limited to locations on the Oregon side of the Columbia River, the beaches at Gearhart/Seaside and Cannon Beach, or into Garibaldi.
- Fishers may not possess Chinook salmon South of Cape Falcon, OR that are less than 28” total length, except that fishers may possess and land Chinook salmon that meet the minimum length of 27” on those dates when the troll salmon season has been closed South of Cape Falcon for 48 hours or more. The following dates meet that criteria: August 14-31, September 7-10, and September 17-30.
- Fishers may land marked coho from open seasons North of Cape Falcon into Garibaldi up to the North of Falcon landing week limit (currently 150 marked coho per landing week) on the following dates: August 14-September 30.
- Vessels landing salmon in Oregon from any season North of Cape Falcon are required to notify ODFW within one hour of delivery or prior to transport away from the port of landing by either calling 541-857-2546 or sending notification via e-mail to Notification shall include vessel name and number, number of salmon by species, port of landing and location of delivery, and estimated time of delivery.
Visit for more information on Oregon's ocean salmon seasons and fisheries.