Montana Fish Report
Cutthroat trout are also abundant and available throughout the Siletz basin
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Summer steelhead fishing has slowed down with the low water conditions but there are still fresh fish moving into the system and fish holding throughout the system, especially in the upper river sections of the gorge. Summer steelhead will be around to be caught throught August and into the fall months. The peak for summer steelhead is typically June-August.
Fall Chinook fishing opened on August 1st on the Siletz River. Things are typically a bit slow in early August but there are a few fish around being caught. Fall Chinook fishing improves towards the end of August and into September as more fish move into the estuary to stage for spawning later in the fall.
Cutthroat trout are also abundant and available throughout the Siletz basin, check the regulations for opens areas and bag limits.