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Montana Fish Report

Fall Chinook fishing has slowed down on the Siletz

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Summer steelhead fishing typically picks up in the fall when the water temperatures cool down and we get small amounts of rain. September and October can be great times to catch summer steelhead with minimal crowds. The peak for summer steelhead is typically June-August.

Fall Chinook fishing has slowed down on the Siletz. Fish are now distributed throughout the estuary waiting for significant rain. Salmon fishing should be steady through October

Wild coho retention is allowed on the Siletz River from Sept. 15 – Oct. 15. The daily bag limit is one adult wild coho per day and one for the season. This is another “one and done” season for wild coho. Meaning you can only keep one adult wild Coho from the Siletz River for the entire 2022 season.

Cutthroat trout are also abundant and available throughout the Siletz basin, check the regulations for opens areas and bag limits. Trout fishing in streams closes on Oct. 31.

Grande Ronde steelhead workshop Join ODFW and its partners for Steelhead Fishing 101 on the Grande Ronde River near Troy on...... Read More