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Montana Fish Report

The hatchery coho run is mostly done on the Trask

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Trask is closed to the retention of wild Chinook this year, but there will be a few hatchery Chinook available for harvest although many of them are probably getting close to spawning. The hatchery coho run is mostly done on the Trask, with most remaining fish being dark and of poor quality.

  • Closed from marker at Dam Hole (MP 7 on Trask River Rd) up to Blue Ridge Cr Sept. 1 to Nov. 30.
  • Cutthroat trout fishing closed on Oct. 31. It will reopen May 22, 2023.

Trask river levels and predictions are available here.

NEWPORT, Ore – The Oregon Department of Agriculture and ODFW announce all mussel harvesting is now open along the entire...... Read More