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Montana Fish Report

Trout fishing is open

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Trout fishing is open, mostly for catch-and-release fishing for wild trout as there are no hatchery releases on the Illinois system. Bait is not allowed on the Illinois River. This includes soft beads and plastic worms, which are considered bait. See the definition of bait on page 14 in the Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations.

Much of the publicly accessible reaches of the Illinois River fall under the USFS Wild Rivers Ranger District. More information can be found on their website. For up-to-date flows check the USGS Kerby gauge.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, December 7th, 2022
Grande Ronde River: Anglers have been catching steelhead on the Grande Ronde River
Imnaha River: Steelhead fishing may be good throughout the winter when the weather warms
Wallowa River: Coho salmon have moved into the Wallowa River watershed to spawn
Crooked River: Anglers report fair fishing on the Crooked
Fall River: Fly-anglers continue to report good early winter fishing in the Fall River
Clackamas River: There are still some late returning wild coho in the lower system,
Eagle Creek: Eagle Creek Fishing Report
Henry Hagg Lake: Henry Hagg Fishing Report
Sandy River: Coho continue to trickle through the Sandy
Alsea River: Winter steelhead are starting to show up in the Alsea
Siuslaw River: Winter steelhead typically start to show up in December on the Siuslaw River
Applegate Reservoir: With cool temperatures trout fishing should be decent
Chetco River: More rain is forecasted for this week and river levels are predicted to rise
Lost Creek Lake: Cooler temperatures allow the trout to spread out throughout Lost Creek
Rogue River- Lower: Fishing effort is ticking up and there are a couple early reports of winter steelhead
Rogue River - Middle: Coho are pushing through the middle Rogue
Rogue River- Upper: A good push of coho have arrived at Cole Rivers Hatchery for the second week in a row
Sixes River: Forecasted rain for this week should bump up the flow quite a bit
Blitzen River: Winter fishing conditions are here
Delintment Lake: No reports on ice thickness but it should be over 4 inches thick
Upper Klamath Lake: Most boat ramps are frozen except Rocky Point
Lake Of The Woods: The lake is freezing fast
Yellowjacket Lake: Trout densities are quite high in Yellowjacket going into winter
Brownlee Reservoir: Brownlee Reservoir Report
Snake River- Below Hells Canyon Reservoir: Sturgeon fishing can be good in the Snake River downstream of Hells Canyon Dam

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