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Montana Fish Report

Hills Creek Reservoir Update

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

ODFW will stock fish as soon as the reservoir elevation raises enough for boats to be launched from the boat ramp. Don’t forget that you can keep hatchery Chinook in the reservoir as mentioned below. 

Hills Creek Reservoir is located about four miles southeast of Oakridge and is open to year-round fishing. In addition to catchable-size trout, the reservoir is stocked with 60,000 adipose fin-clipped rainbow trout fingerlings and 100,000 adipose fin-clipped spring Chinook salmon fingerlings annually to provide a harvest fishery the following year.

Trout and salmon must be adipose fin-clipped to be harvested. Large native trout are available for catch-and-release fishing. Packard Boat Ramp (USFS) remains accessible at current reservoir elevation.

SALEM, Ore.—The Commission met Thursday and Friday, Feb. 16-17 in Portland. On Thursday, the Commission attended a workshop, Water for Fish...... Read More