Montana Fish Report
The release from Lost Creek Reservoir is around 2,800 cfs
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The release from Lost Creek Reservoir is around 2,800 cfs and 51F. Dodge Bridge is around 2,900 cfs and mid-50sF. With warm temperatures forecast to continue through the weekend, expect river levels to stay near this level for a bit.
Winter steelhead should still be around for a few more weeks but the transition to early summer steelhead has started. Last week 2 swim-ins at the hatchery brings the season total to 4. Several anglers have caught early summer steelhead on swung dry flies and small lures.
Last week 1,537 new spring Chinook swam into the hatchery bringing the season total to 2,281. Many anglers have switched gears to Chinook fishing which has been productive with bait-wrapped plugs or drifting eggs. No wild spring Chinook harvest is allowed upstream of Dodge Bridge. Make sure to check the Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations for each section of river before you head out.
Trout season re-opened on May 22 and salmon flies are hatching in good numbers.
Please avoid wading in and fishing near salmon/steelhead redds.
For up-to-date river levels, check all the USGS Rogue gauges here.