Montana Fish Report

Currently flows are around 2,250 cfs

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Fishing is generally best when flows are below 3,000 cfs. Currently flows are around 2,250 cfs at the Waterloo gauge as of Oct. 2. Spring chinook fishing is now closed. Anglers can still target the few summer steelhead available, but their numbers have been poor all year. Recent rains may have activated the few remaining summer steelhead that were lower down in the system. ‌

Over the next few weeks, observers may see spawning salmon in relatively shallow water. Please give them enough distance to complete their life cycle and keep dogs away. Don't let dogs eat salmon carcasses, as their bodies contain toxins that can be lethal to dogs. ‌

Anglers are reminded that only fin-clipped trout may be kept

Western buck deer opens Oct. 7‌ Here are a few tips to help you get ready for opening weekend.‌ Buy your tag. The...... Read More