Montana Fish Report
Steelhead fishing finally kicked into gear on the Chetco

by Kenny Priest
Steelhead fishing finally kicked into gear on the Chetco just before the latest round of winter storms blew the river out this week reports Andy Martin of Wild Rivers Fishing. “Catch rates spiked as calmer ocean conditions finally allowed bigger numbers of steelhead to move into the river,” said Martin. “But just as the action improved, a major rain storm hit, increasing flows above 10,000 cfs, with the possibility of 45,000 cfs by this weekend. It will take the river several days to recover from the near flood stage expected Saturday. On Sunday and Monday, action was good, with fish spread throughout the river. Mostly wild steelhead were being caught, with an occasional hatchery steelhead. Fishing should be at peak season form when the river drops back into shape next week. The Rogue, Elk and Sixes also have blown out, and will approach minor flooding this weekend.”
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