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Montana Fish Report

Green Peter is about 50 feet above the toe slope of Thistle Creek boat ramp

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Green Peter is about 50 feet above the toe slope of Thistle Creek boat ramp. The boat ramp was scheduled to be re-opened by Linn County on Feb. 1. Turbidity has improved significantly, but the water is still a little off-color. This time of year, your main quarry will be trout and any kokanee that may have survived the unprecedented drawdown this fall. ‌

The reservoir is usually stocked with trout in the spring. Later in the spring and summer this reservoir also produces excellent smallmouth bass. Also, as a reminder to anglers, fishing for and harvesting Chinook in the lake and the rivers above is prohibited. Any Chinook caught in Green Peter reservoir must be released unharmed. ‌

For the latest information on water levels at Green Peter Reservoir check with the Army Corps of Engineers' website for more information.

ASTORIA, Ore – Razor clamming is now closed from Cascade Head (north of Lincoln City) to Seal Rock State Park...... Read More