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Montana Fish Report

The river is very cold and swollen as spring flows are coursing through the system

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The river is very cold and swollen as spring flows are coursing through the system. Fishing will get better when the stream temperature increases and flows lessen. Heavier weighted flies and lures might get to trout during this time of year. Plan for fishing to be slow.‌

The river is accessible. Redband populations are lower right now due to drought and recent wildfires

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, April 17th, 2024
Alsea River: The Alsea River has remained fair the past few weeks
Nestucca River: The Nestucca River is low and clear
Siletz River: The Siletz has been remaining fair and steady throughout March
Wilson River: The Wilson is low and clear but fishing has remained fair
Diamond Lake: Ice is off Diamond Lake and when conditions allow
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 65 percent full and continues to fill
Expo Pond: Expo Pond Fishing Report
Fish Lake : Fish Lake is 60 percent full
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie is 48 percent full
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt is currently 55 percent full
Rogue River - Middle: Flow is currently clear and slowly dropping in the middle Rogue
Detroit Reservoir: Water levels have increased enough for most boat ramps to be in the water
EE Wilson Angling Pond: Stocked again this week
Foster Reservoir: The reservoir water level is near low pool
Green Peter Reservoir: The water level in Green Peter continues to rise
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 2,700 cfs at the Waterloo gauge
Crane Prairie Reservoir: 88 percent full and ice free
East Lake: Deschutes County has not released an anticipated reopening date for the road yet
Hood River: Spring Chinook fishing opened on the Hood River on Monday, April 15
Laurance Lake: Access to the lake is currently walk-in only
North Twin Lake: Excellent fishing for holdover trout
Odell Lake: Some Forest Service boat ramps may remain closed due to snow
Prinevile Reservoir: Prineville Reservoir at 99 percent full
South Twin Lake: Anglers continue to report good spring fishing
Wickiup Reservoir: The reservoir is 78 percent full and boat ramps are expected to be accessible for the opener
Blitzen River: Water temperatures are in the 40s
Bully Creek Reservoir: Bully Creek Reservoir is full
Campbell Reservoir: Catch rates for largemouth bass and bluegill should be improving

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