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Montana Fish Report

Rains this week have improved fishing conditions for spring Chinook

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Rains this week have improved fishing conditions for spring Chinook. Boat anglers are still doing the best, but flows are expected to pick up over the weekend and next week which may give bank anglers a better chance at catching a fish. ‌

Steelhead are still getting picked up on a daily basis, but winter steelhead fishing is about done for the season as most fish are upriver or in tributaries spawning.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
Campbell Reservoir: Catch rates for largemouth bass and bluegill should be improving
Fourmile Lake: The Lake is blocked by snow and is currently 41 percent full
Gerber Reservoir: Best place to fish for perch is at the north boat ram
Upper Klamath Lake: Fishing from shore at Howard Bay and Shoalwater Bay continues to improve
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Lake Of The Woods: The lake was stocked with trophy rainbow trout this week
Lost River: Fishing bait for brown bullhead is your best bet
Sprague River: The river remains very high and turbid
Applegate Reservoir: Applegate is good bet for trout anglers
Ben Irving Reservoir: This should be a good time to fish Ben Irving
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Should be some good trout fishing now
Diamond Lake: Ice is off Diamond Lake and when conditions allow, fishing should be good
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 71 percent full and continues to fill
Empire Lake Lower: Empire Lake Fishing Report
Fish Lake : Fish Lake is 62 percent full
Floras Lake: The lake was stocked with trout this week
Galesville Reservoir: Stories that some of the trophy trout have been caught
Garrison Lake: The 12th street boat ramp has an improved ramp and docks
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie is 50 percent full
Lake Marie: Fishing should be good this week
Lemolo Lake: The resort KOA opens May 1‌
Lost Creek Lake: Trollers have had good late winter success at Lost Creek

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