Montana Fish Report
Flow is currently clearing and slowly dropping in the middle Rogue
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Flow is currently clearing and slowly dropping in the middle Rogue after blowing out last weekend and winter steelhead are still being caught along with spring Chinook. Flow in Grants Pass is about 5,000 cfs with a water temperature of around 52F.
Winter steelhead are spread throughout the middle Rogue. Targeting acclimation site areas at Skunk Creek (Baker Park), Greens Creek or Jumpoff Joe Creek is a good idea as numerous hatchery winter steelhead have been caught recently.
Also, covering as much water as possible is the key to finding fish right now. A variety of techniques can lead to success, including side drifting, float fishing, pulling plugs, and swinging flies.
Anglers are reminded that trout fishing closed on April 1 to protect smolts migrating to sea and the retention of wild winter steelhead ended on April 30, 2024. Consult the sport fishing regulations for more information as only adipose fin clipped steelhead can be kept.
Current flow, temp and turbidity conditions for the Rogue can be found at the USGS stream gauges here, or checking the City of Grants Pass water page's river data here.