Montana Fish Report
Success on Both Chinook and Coho
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Anglers trolling the bay are having good success on both Chinook and coho. Rain and cooler temperatures this week may help with getting a few new fish into the lower river. This is the time of year when fish slow down and hang in holes in the lower river or stay in the bay. Anglers will have to work a little bit harder to find them.
Anglers need to pay extra attention to the fish they catch as there are good numbers of wild coho in the bay. ALL WILD COHO MUST BE RELEASED.
ODFW annually monitors the run of Chinook, steelhead, and coho at Huntley Park (approximate 8 miles upstream from the mouth) on the Rogue River. To learn more about the project, people can visit the ODFW website to receive this years' two-week updates and to see the historical catch.
Anglers that see a game violation can report the violation to *OSP (*677) on a mobile device or call 1-800-452-7888. Anglers can also file complaints or potential violations concerning guides to the Oregon State Marine Board. Last updated 9114/24.
Rogue River, middle
Flow in Grants Pass is about 1,500 cfs with a water temperature of around 62F.
Fall Chinook have showed up in good numbers over the last week. Anglers have reported success throughout the middle Rogue. Preferred methods include back bouncing roe and large spinners. A few more summer steelhead have been reported as well.
ODFW's Pikeminnow Roundup has started, running September 1-September 21 and focused on the middle Rogue River. Anglers are always encouraged to harvest and remove introduced pikeminnow from the Rogue River. During the Roundup its possible to win prizes in three different categories – youth (under 12), teen (12-17, adult (18+). For contest details search ODFW Rogue Pikeminnow Roundup. Pikeminnow can be fun to catch especially for young anglers. Try fishing deep near the bottom of the river with lures or bait that can include chicken livers, fried chicken skin, or other chicken parts.
Current flow, temp and turbidity conditions for the Rogue can be found at the USGS stream gauges here, or checking the City of Grants Pass water page's river data here.