Montana Fish Report
Rogue River Middle Updates
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Flow in Grants Pass remains about 1,350 cfs with a water temperature of around 53F. Rain is needed and it's in the forecast.
Anglers have not yet reported catching coho in the Middle Rogue this year, but rain should help. Summer steelhead are available. Only adipose finclipped coho and summer steelhead may be harvested, and all wild fish must be released unharmed.
Some Middle Rogue anglers have caught hatchery spring chinook smolts recently, and more were released from Cole Rivers Hatchery this week. Flow in Grants Pass remains about 1,350 cfs with a water temperature of around 53F. Rain is needed and it is in the forecast.
Anglers have not yet reported catching coho in the Middle Rogue this year, but rain should help. Summer steelhead are available. Only adipose finclipped coho and summer steelhead may be harvested, and all wild fish must be released unharmed. Some Middle Rogue anglers have caught hatchery spring chinook smolts recently, and more were released from Cole Rivers Hatchery this week. These small fish must also be released unharmed. Smolts and wild trout are not made for taking selfies—please don't squeeze the fish!
Current flow, temp and turbidity conditions for the Rogue can be found at the USGS stream gauges here, or checking the City of Grants Pass water page's river data here.