Montana Fish Report
Trask River Updates
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Trask River is closed to angling from the marker at Dam Hole (MP 7 on Trask River Road) up to Blue Ridge Creek Sept. 1 – Nov. 30.
Cutthroat trout fishing should be fair to good, with fish spread through mainstem and forks of the river. Angler will find sea-run cutthroat throughout the fishery at this point.
The Trask River opened to fall Chinook fishing Aug. 1 (up to the forks). Fish are present in the tidal portion of the river, with fair fishing opportunity. Some fish are pushing into the lower river at this point in the season.
The adult wild Chinook daily bag limit for all Tillamook Rivers (Tillamook (including bay), Kilchis, Miami, Wison and Trask rivers) is one fish in aggregate. No more than two adult wild Chinook salmon may be retained for the period in aggregate. See the regulation updates for more details.
The Trask also has a hatchery coho salmon run, and those fish are migrating through both the tidewater and the lower river.