Montana Fish Report
Miami River Updates
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Miami gets a small fall Chinook run and those fish should start pushing into the lower river this week. Public access on the Miami River is limited so be sure you have a place to fish before heading out to this small basin.
The adult wild Chinook daily bag limit for all Tillamook Rivers (Tillamook River and Bay, Kilchis River, Miami River, Wison River, and Trask River) is one fish in aggregate. No more than two adult wild Chinook salmon may be retained for the period in aggregate. See the regulation updates for more details.
A catch-and-release fishery for chum salmon is allowed on the Miami River through Nov. 15. There should be chum showing up following the recent rains. Anglers are reminded to use good ethics while enjoying this opportunity; avoid snagging in pools with lots of fish by fishing suspended presentations, and avoid disturbing redds (spawning nest) and fish that are actively spawning.