Montana Fish Report
Hatchery trout harvest is now open until Oct. 31
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Many public access points along the river are still closed from last year’s wildfires, including Fisherman’s Bend, and all recreation areas along the Little North Fork. But Packsaddle Park has recently re-opened, which is just below Minto Dam. Anglers can still access the river from Stayton downstream and in a few places above such as the Mehama bridge and North Santiam State Park.
The gate at ODFW’s Green’s Bridge property on the lower North Santiam near Jefferson will be opened later this week and will remain open until next summer.
No recent fishing reports. River levels best for fishing are at or below 3,000 cfs, and the river is currently running at 1,660 cfs at the gage in Mehama. Water clarity is good.
Fishing for hatchery steelhead is open year-round but the run numbers were low this year.
Fishing for Chinook is now closed to allow fish to spawn undisturbed. If you see fish paired up or actively digging in the gravel to build their nests, please give them a wide berth to avoid stressing them unnecessarily. The first few dozen coho have arrived at Willamette Falls but it will be several weeks before they arrive in numbers in the basin.
Hatchery trout harvest is now open until Oct. 31, with a limit of 5 per day. Wild trout need to be released unharmed.