Montana Fish Report
Winter weather is still holding off but not for much longer
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Winter weather is still holding off but not for much longer. Temperatures have been relatively mild for November with rain earlier in the week and forecast for Thurs/Fri. Weather conditions should be pretty mild this weekend. All summer the Rogue above Lost Creek received 3,500 rainbow trout weekly. Stocking is over for the year, but there should still be rainbow trout available to target from Prospect to Minnehaha Creek. Fall weather should still be conducive to trout fishing and crowds should be greatly diminished with summer over.
The Rogue and tributaries above Lost Creek Reservoir remain open year-round, with a retention limit of 5 trout. Stocked trout in this reach are not fin-clipped. There are also residential cutthroat and brown trout that are periodically hooked by anglers.
Great techniques up here include throwing small Panther Martin spinners or small hooks with a single Pautske fire egg under a bobber. You also can’t go wrong fishing nymphs up here, or nightcrawlers under a bobber. With very cold water, be looking for areas where fish are holding.
Flows above Prospect are at 458 cfs. The guage below Prospect is reading 746 cfs and a chilly 40 degrees. Many reaches in this section of river have bed rock crevices and wading can be tough. However, there are great trails and openings along the river throughout the stocked reach, which provide good access. The river gradient lessens above Farewell Bend toward Minnehaha Creek.
ODOT trip check maintains a camera at Union Creek (OR62), where you can get an idea of weather and smoke levels, or check out the AQI index around Prospect.
More information on Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest lands can be found on their website or calling the RRSNF office.