Montana Fish Report

Walloa River Report

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

When the weather warms enough to keep ice from being problematic, anglers will catch both rainbow trout and mountain whitefish in the Wallowa River. Fish with a slow presentation in slow runs where fish can conserve energy. Small nymph and egg patterns may be effective for trout and whitefish, and spinning gear such as spinners or spoons, could be a good option for targeting trout. Both mountain whitefish and rainbow trout (greater than 8 inches) may be retained and can make a tasty mid-winter dinner.

As the winter progresses, steelhead will become more common in the Wallowa River. Bait, flies and jigs all may be effective methods for pursuing steelhead in the Wallowa.

A few late coho may be encountered in this fishery. Coho may not be harvested in the Wallowa River and must be released unharmed. It’s not legal to target coho in the Wallowa River. If you can see coho in the shallows they are likely spawning, and anglers should leave them undisturbed. Coho are newly reintroduced to the Grande Ronde watershed so please report any observations of spawning coho so we can note where they are being found throughout the watershed.

With a diverse makeup of fish species that anglers may encounter this year, anglers are encouraged to brush up on their fish identification skills and to release any fish that they are unsure of the species.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, January 6th, 2022
Gerber Reservoir: The reservoir is frozen. Ice thickness is unknown
John C Boyle Reservoir: The reservoir might be partially frozen
Upper Klamath Lake: The lake is frozen except near the outlet
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Report
Lake Of The Woods: Ice thickness is unknown but currently not safe for ice fishing
Willow Valley Reservoir: The reservoir is low and likely frozen
Applegate Reservoir: The only useable boat ramp at Applegate Reservoir is the French Gulch Boat Ramp
Applegate River: As of Wednesday morning, the Wilderville stream gage was reading 1,280 cfs and dropping
Arizona Pond: This pond received a sizeable batch of fresh rainbow trout over the holidays
Ben Irving Reservoir: Reservoir is likely murky and may inhibit certain methods.
Chetco River: Steelhead fishing has been really good
Coos River: Steelhead anglers have been catching hatchery steelhead
Coquille River: The rivers are currently high and muddy
Diamond Lake: The last report said the ice was not quite thick enough to start fishing on
Elk River: Steelhead fishing should be excellent
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is close to deadpool
Fish Lake : The current lake level is 35 percent full and the lake is filling slowly
Galesville Reservoir: The reservoir has started to fill again but it is still very low
Garrison Lake: Bank anglers can find access at the 12th street or Pinehurst boat ramps and off Paradise Point Road
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Earlier in the week is that there’s about 6 inches of snow over about 4-6 inches of ice covering the lake
Hyatt Lake: Expect winter weather conditions for the weekend and a frozen lake
Illinois River: The Illinois is known for having a run of some earlier running winter steelhead
Pistol River: Steelhead are spread throughout the river
Rogue River- Lower: Steelhead fishing has been really good
Rogue River - Middle: Middle Rogue may start seeing some winter steelhead finally show up
Rogue River- Upper: Upper Rogue River Report
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): Expect winter weather and lots of snow
Sixes River: Sixes River Fishing Report
Tenmile Lakes: A few hatchery steelhead have been caught in Tenmile Creek last week
Umpqua River: Umpqua River Report
Winchuck River: Anglers can expect to find steelhead scattered throughout the river
Alsea River: Winter steelhead fishing is off to a great start on the Alsea
Kilchis River: Kilchis is usually one of the first rivers to come back in shape
Necanicum River: It is peak time for the hatchery winter steelhead run on the Necanicum
Nehalem River: The Nehalem River is predicted to hit minor flood stage on Thursday
Siletz River: Winter steelhead fishing has been good on the Siletz
Siuslaw River: Winter steelhead typically start showing up in the Siuslaw system in early December
Trask River: The Trask is predicted to peak above “action” stage after Thursday’s storm
Wilson River: The Wilson River was starting to produce some steelhead over the New Year’s weekend
Clackamas River: Winter steelhead can now be found throughout the Clackamas River
Detroit Reservoir: Detroit Reservoir Report
Sandy River: Winter steelhead can now be found throughout the Sandy River
Crooked River: Anglers report fair winter fishing in the Crooked River
Fall River: Anglers report good fishing in late morning and afternoon once water temperatures rise
Metolius River: Anglers report hit and miss blue wing olive hatches and fair fishing
Grande Ronde River: Grande Ronde River Fishing Report

ROSEBURG, Ore – ODFW asks anglers who harvest a hatchery winter steelhead to put the snout in specially marked collection...... Read More