Montana Fish Report

Currently flows are around 6,100 cfs at the Waterloo gage

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Fishing is generally best when flows are below 3,000 cfs. Currently flows are around 6,100 cfs at the Waterloo gage. Fishing under these conditions is extremely difficult. 

Steelhead fishing is open year-round. The run this year is disappointing, but fish are still around, primarily from Waterloo Park upstream to the dam.   

Trout harvest is now closed until May 22. Fishing with bait is only allowed between April 22 and Oct 31. Anglers are reminded that only fin-clipped trout may be kept.

SALEM, Ore.— Anglers with the two-rod validation will be able to use two rods in the lower Willamette River beginning on...... Read More