Montana Fish Report
Retention of Chinook prohibited in Green Peter Reservoir effective immediately
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
SALEM, Ore.— Retention of Chinook in Green Peter Reservoir is prohibited effective immediately through October 31, under a temporary rule adopted by ODFW. This rule is consistent with similar water bodies in the Willamette Zone (Detroit and Foster reservoirs) where ESA-listed spring Chinook have been released above dams.
This rule is needed to protect hatchery Chinook adults as they are released above Green Peter Reservoir. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is releasing fish in response to a recent court order requiring the development of safe downstream fish passage at Green Peter Dam. A large portion of the historical spawning habitat in the South Santiam sub-basin exists above Green Peter Dam. These hatchery fish and their offspring will be studied to determine the best option for salmonid passage and survival.
Retention of salmon is already prohibited in the streams above Green Peter Reservoir. If you hook a Chinook while angling, see these tips on how to release the fish safely.
The release of adult Chinook also means that during the summer and fall you may see salmon carcasses in the rivers above Green Peter Dam. Please leave those carcasses where you find them so they can provide nutrient enrichment to the stream. Remember that dogs should not eat raw salmon (carcasses) because it can make them very sick.
All other permanent regulations in the 2022 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations remain in effect. For the latest fishing regulations, remember to always check the Recreation Report Fishing Report