Montana Fish Report
Willamette River Fishing Report
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Anglers should confirm access before they go. All Metro Parks and boat ramps are now open but may have modified operations. Check conditions at individual parks on Metro’s website. State parks and recreation areas appear open.
Last week’s (May 30 – June 5) preliminary catch estimate, below Willamette Falls to mouth (including Multnomah Channel):
- Chinook- 259 kept, 33 released.
- Steelhead- 15 kept, 0 released.
It’s getting that time of year when most of the Chinook catch happens at Mouth-St. Johns area. Shad fishing is good in Oregon City.
Weekly Willamette River fishery summaries, week of May 23:
As of May 31:
- Willamette River Portland-temperature/visibility: 59 F, Visibility: 5.1 ft.
- Willamette Falls counts as of 5/26: Chinook – 14,884; summer steelhead – 2 ,044s.
- Link to Willamette River Morrison Bridge Hydro Data
- Link to NOAA-Willamette River Forecast (Salem)
The upstream section between Albany and Harrisburg is open year-round for trout fishing, which can be very good when flows are cooperating. Flows have been dropping all week, while water temperatures are now in the upper 50s to low 60s and climbing, which means fishing conditions have improved for both trout and warmwater game fish like smallmouth bass. Anglers may keep two trout per day. Smallmouth bass also can be a lot of fun to catch and are plentiful between Salem and Corvallis during the spring and summer. From Salem downstream there are plenty of largemouth bass in the deeper, quieter sections.
The river is ideal for small boats such as canoes and kayaks, but there are enough public access points for bank anglers as well. Consult Oregon Parks and Recreation Department for specific locations.
The Willamette often gets overlooked because it is so close. But this river offers convenience, fairly good access and variety.
Notice for Boaters: Buena Vista Park boat ramp between Albany and Independence will be closed to all access starting May 23 and continuing through the end of September. This will affect boaters floating down from Albany, and the I-5 rest stop boat ramp on the Santiam. The next take out downstream is at the city of Independence about 10 miles downstream.