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Montana Fish Report

Fall Chinook fishing and coho fishing has been steady on the Yaquina

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Fall Chinook fishing and coho fishing has been steady on the Yaquina as more fish are moving into the tidewater to stage. Fishing should continue to improve through October as we get significant rain.

Wild coho retention is allowed on the Yaquina River from Sept. 15 – Oct 15. The daily bag limit is one adult wild coho per day and one for the season. This is another “one and done” season for wild coho. Meaning you can only keep one adult wild coho from the Yaquina River for the entire 2022 season.

Trout fishing in streams closes on Oct. 31. Cutthroat trout are available throughout the Yaquina/Big Elk basins and provide good opportunity for summer/fall fishing.

Grande Ronde steelhead workshop Join ODFW and its partners for Steelhead Fishing 101 on the Grande Ronde River near Troy on...... Read More