Montana Fish Report
Low Fish Density at Sun Creek
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Access to Sun Creek will be open until November 4. Fishing not recommended because of low fish density. Open to fishing all year but closed to fishing for bull trout. Only bull trout occur in upper Sun Creek just above the Sun Pass Forest bridge crossing. Fishing is not recommended now as fish density remains low. Recent sampling found low numbers of brook trout, brown trout and no catchable sized redband trout.
Bull trout numbers are very high, so anglers need to know their fish species. Signs onsite show the differences between brook trout and bull trout. This article on has good tips for distinguishing bull and brook trout, and their hybrids.
ODFW encourages release of all redband trout. The Sun Creek channel has been rerouted into the historic channel and is connected to the Wood River below Kimball State Park.
If you fish here, make sure you know your fish species well. If you don't know then let it go. Check stream level.