Montana Fish Report

Pacific halibut sport fishery addition; tagging clarification

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

NEWPORT, Ore – ODFW announces an extra day of Pacific halibut fishing in the Columbia River Subarea and clarifies how to record the two fish bag limit in the Central and Southern Oregon subareas.

Additional angling day
Friday, Sept. 24 has opened for anglers to fish for Pacific halibut at all depths for one more day in the Columbia River Subarea (Leadbetter Pt., WA to Cape Falcon, OR) this year.

This subarea is managed jointly with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and enough quota remains in other Washington and Oregon subareas to add another day (Sept. 24) of halibut fishing.

Anglers should note the two-fish bag limit does not apply to the Columbia River Subarea (it only applies to the Central Coast and Southern Oregon subareas).

Pacific halibut tagging clarification
The Central Coast and Southern Oregon subareas remain open seven days a week through Oct. 31 or until quota is met, and anglers may retain two Pacific halibut daily, six per year. The increase in bag limits began Sept. 13.

ODFW’s daily and multi-day angling licenses, which include a combined angling tag, are currently set up for anglers to record only one halibut per day on the paper or electronic tag. For the remainder of the 2021 halibut season, anglers using daily licenses/tags who keep two halibut per day should record the first halibut on the paper tag or MyODFW app as usual.

The second halibut should be recorded in any open space on the paper tag, or if e-tagging, record on any paper. The species, location code, day and month, and length of the halibut in inches must be recorded. Anglers using e-tagging should be prepared with paper and ballpoint pen to record their second fish.

For a map of the subareas, click here.

Pacific halibut regulations:

  • Pacific halibut anglers must have a descending device onboard the vessel and use it to release any rockfish species when fishing 30 fathoms or deeper.
  • Since Sept. 13 south of Cape Falcon, anglers can keep two Pacific halibut daily, six per year in the Central Coast and Southern Oregon subareas.
  • The Stonewall Bank Yelloweye Rockfish Conservation Area (YRCA) located in the Central Coast Subarea is closed to Pacific halibut fishing.
  • Anglers on vessels possessing Pacific halibut or bottomfish are prohibited from fishing in the Stonewall Bank YRCA even when targeting legal species (salmon and tuna).

See Pacific halibut sport regulations for more information.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, September 16th, 2021
Columbia River: Columbia River salmon fishing reopens from Tongue Point/Rocky Point to Warrior Rock on Sept. 17; four additional sturgeon retention days add
Public comment requested on draft Dungeness crab fishery management plan
ODFW Recreation Report
Bradley Lake: Bradley Lake is scheduled to be stocked with fall rainbow trout in mid-October
Chetco River: A few anglers are starting to troll the estuary for salmon
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Lots of Rain in The Forecast
Coquille River: Striped bass fishing is starting to pick up again in the lower Coquille River
Diamond Lake: The lake is lower than normal
Eel Lake: Anglers reported catching a few trout this past week
Fish Lake : The current lake level is 16 percent full and is slowly filling with input from natural springs
Galesville Reservoir: The reservoir is about 7 feet above the lowest height on record
Illinois River: The Illinois is open to trout fishing
Lake Selmac: Water levels have been dropping slowly
Lemolo Lake: Lemolo should be a great place to try this week
Lost Creek Lake: Trout fishing should still be good
Rogue River - Middle: There is less than one month left for Chinook fishing between Hog Creek boat ramp and Fishers Ferry
Rogue River- Upper: Upper Rogue River Report
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): Still Plenty of Fish Hanging Around
Sixes River: Temporary low water fishing closure will start Oct. 1
Willow Lake: Trout, bass, crappie and perch are most prevalent here
Alsea River: Fall Chinook fishing continues to be steady on the Alsea
Kilchis River: Cutthroat trout are available throughout the Kilchis River
Miami River: Cutthroat trout fishing in the Miami should be fair to good
Nehalem River: Chinook fishing continues to be fair to good throughout the bay
Salmon River: Fall Chinook fishing is picking up on the Salmon River
Siletz River: The Siletz Basin will have a limited wild coho fishery this year
Trask River: Anglers will find sea-run cutthroat trout throughout the Trask
Wilson River: Summer steelhead fishing on the Wilson has been slow this year
Yaquina River: Fall Chinook fishing continues to improve on the Yaquina
Detroit Reservoir: Water levels are slowly dropping as dry conditions continue
Foster Reservoir: This reservoir is still full and all three boat ramps are currently
Green Peter Reservoir: Green Peter Reservoir Report
McKenzie River: McKenzie River Fishing Report
Quartzville Creek: Rain is forecasted for this weekend
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: Hatchery trout harvest is now open until Oct. 31
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 1250 cfs at the Waterloo gage

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