Montana Fish Report
ODFW Recreation Report

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Report your 2021 hunt by Jan. 31
Just a reminder that all big game and turkey hunters who bought a tag need to report their hunt, even if they didn’t hunt or take an animal. Also a reminder that reporting early will help you avoid the last minute crush of procrastinators. Learn more about how to report.
Best bets for weekend fishing:
- Our fish biologists report good steelhead fishing in coastal rivers from the Necanicum to the Winchuck. With dry weather in the forecast, there should be good fishing conditions all along the coast through the weekend.
- Steelhead fishing on the Sandy and Clackamas rivers has been good when conditions allow.
- Winter trout fishing can be good in several rivers in eastern Oregon, including the Fall, Crooked, Metolius, Blitzen and Wallowa.
- Lower elevation lakes that were stocked throughout the summer should offer some fishing for holdover trout. Think of places like Henry Hagg Lake, Lost Creek Reservoir and Detroit Reservoir.
- Conditions over the weekend should be good for a boat ride on the ocean. Bottomfish fishing can be very good in the winter months whenever boats can get out on the water.
- Low to minus tides, and great weather, through the weekend should favor some bay clamming along the coast.
- Clear, dry condition later in the week should also improve crabbing in bays and estuaries by reducing the freshwater influence from rivers flowing into ocean waters.
Trout fishing 101: Albany, Jan. 29
Participants will learn where to go, what gear to buy and how to clean your catch. A two-hour class will be followed by a chance to fish a nearby pond. Learn more and register.
Ice fishing workshop: Klamath Falls, Feb 19 – 20
In this hands-on workshop you’ll learn and practice everything you need to know to go ice fishing -- from reading the ice to cleaning your catch, and all steps in between. Learn more and register.