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Montana Fish Report

In general fishing has been slow up here as trout were last stocked in the early summer

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

In general fishing has been slow up here as trout were last stocked in the early summer.  However, cooling fall weather should improve the trout bite for the remaining fish still around. A small boat or float tube are a good bet up here that can give more access than along the Western bank along the road. Bluegill and bass are also available but likely not very active with the winter weather.

Medco Pond is a private pond and access can be revoked at any time. Bank anglers should stay away from the east portion of the lake, again due to private property.  To help keep access open, anglers should make sure to pick up their trash, as well as other trash when they are there. The owners of Medco have restricted vehicle access to along the roadway because of vandals and dumpers. If you see someone doing something that may risk access for everyone, please let ODFW know.

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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, January 20th, 2022
ODFW Recreation Report
Grande Ronde River: Flows on the Grande Ronde River have remained consistent again this week
John Day River: All fishing is now closed in rivers and streams within the John Day Basin
Magone Lake: Magone Lake is no longer accessible
Morgan Lake: Closed for the winter
Umatilla River: There have been a total of 757 steelhead counted at TMFD up to date
Crooked River: The water is low and dirty
Ochoco Reservoir: Water level is extremely low and completely iced over
Prinevile Reservoir: Trout fishing continues to be good near the dam
Walton Lake: The lake is completely iced over
Detroit Reservoir: Currently the reservoir water level is at or near the bottom of Mongold boat ramp
Junction City Pond: The pond will be stocked this week
Santiam River ( North Fork) : River is currently running at 9,000 cfs at the gage in Mehama
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 6,100 cfs at the Waterloo gage
Waverly Lake: This lake was stocked in late December
Alsea River: Winter steelhead fishing has slowed down
Kilchis River: The Kilchis will be a little on the low and clear side this weekend
Necanicum River: The Necanicum will be getting a little low by the weekend but will still be fishable
Nehalem River: The lower reach, from Foss down, is still high and off color
Nestucca River: The Nestucca River is in great shape
Siletz River: Winter steelhead fishing has slowed down a bit on the Siletz
Siuslaw River: Winter steelhead has slowed down on the Siuslaw but anglers are catching fish everyday
Wilson River: The Wilson was in prime shape last weekend
Applegate River: As of Wednesday morning, the Wilderville stream gage was reading 650 cfs
Chetco River: Water conditions have returned to almost perfect
Fish Lake : Ice depth was reported at 8-12 inches on Jan. 15
Illinois River: Flows continue to drop but are still very fishable
Lost Creek Lake: Trout fishing should be fair to good

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