Montana Fish Report

Fishing closures in Deschutes River this summer to protectsteelhead;Trout fishing to remain open

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

THE DALLES, Ore.—With another low run of summer steelhead forecast, angling closures for steelhead, bass and salmon will be in effect for parts of the Deschutes River this summer starting as early as June 1.

The closures are in keeping with the Deschutes River steelhead fishery framework that fishery managers presented earlier this year due to continued low forecasts for Threatened summer steelhead runs to areas upriver of Bonneville Dam in the Columbia and Snake River Basins. 

Last year’s upriver steelhead run to Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River was the lowest since records began in 1938, resulting in the first steelhead fishing closure on the Deschutes since 1978. Encounter rates from sport anglers that catch and release wild summer steelhead are typically high in mid-Columbia tributaries like the Deschutes, where fish stage before migrating to spawning areas throughout the Deschutes and Columbia Basin.

Pre-season forecasts for 2022 are similar to last year’s returns, so closures are necessary in these mixed stock fisheries even though anglers may be targeting hatchery steelhead.

As more summer steelhead pass Bonneville Dam from summer through fall, fishing seasons will be adjusted. Anglers should always check the Recreation Report for their fishing zone as regulations can change quickly, Changes are also announced by news release.

Under temporary rules adopted for the Deschutes River today:

  • Steelhead and bass fishing is closed from June 1-Aug. 15 from the mouth at the west bound I-84 Bridge upstream to Pelton Dam.
  • Chinook salmon fishing is closed from Aug. 1-15 from the mouth at the west bound I-84 Bridge upstream to upper railroad trestle (approx 3 miles downstream from Sherars Falls).
  • Coho salmon fishing is closed from Aug. 1-15 from the mouth at the west bound I-84 Bridge upstream to upper railroad trestle (approximately 3 miles downstream from Sherars Falls) and from Sherars Falls upstream to Pelton Dam.

Normally under permanent regulations hatchery steelhead fishing is open all year, coho fishing is open Aug. 1-Dec.31 and Chinook fishing is open Aug. 1-Oct. 31. Salmon fishing closures are needed during these time periods as salmon anglers may encounter wild steelhead.

Trout fishing remains open on the Deschutes River as there is less risk that trout anglers will encounter wild steelhead. Anglers should take extra steps to avoid targeting steelhead and safely release them if caught, see tips at

For more information about steelhead management in the Columbia River and tributaries, see 

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, May 20th, 2022

Green Peter Reservoir: Retention of Chinook prohibited in Green Peter Reservoir effective immediately
North Umpqua River: Court ordered North Umpqua hatchery summer steelhead released today

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, May 19th, 2022
ODFW Recreation Report
Chewaucan River: People have already caught some really nice trout in the river with lures
Fourmile Lake: The road into Fourmile Lake is still closed by the USFS
Gerber Reservoir: The reservoir is 16 percent full
Heart Lake: Fishing has been good for fish in the 6-8” range
Holbrook Reservoir: Trolling for rainbows is very productive as is bait fishing
Upper Klamath Lake: The lake remains 2.5 feet below full pool and 61 percent full
Lake Of The Woods: Lake of the Woods has been stocked heavily with trophy rainbows
Lofton Reservoir: This reservoir will be stocked this week
Miller Lake: The recent snow might block access
Sprague River: Fishing will improve for redband trout as water temperatures increase
North Fork Sprague River: Flows have decreased to 147 cfs
South Fork Sprague River: Snow will limit access to some areas
Sun Creek: The Sun Pass State Road is closed. Fishing not recommended at this time.
Williamson River: Upper Williamson River Report
Wood River: Water temperatures remain very cold
Umatilla River: The spring Chinook season opened on April 15
Wallowa Lake : There are some nice kokanee available this year
Tillamook Bay: Spring Chinook are in Tillamook Bay
Trask River: There have been fish caught at the hatchery hole and Loren’s drift
Alton Baker Canoe Canal: Will be stocked again this week
Dexter Reservoir: Was last stocked the week of May 2nd
EE Wilson Angling Pond: Will be stocked this week
Fall Creek: Was last stocked the week of May 9
Foster Reservoir: The water level in the reservoir is currently low
Green Peter Reservoir: Recent fishing reports are that the bass fishing is good
Junction City Pond: The pond will be stocked this week
McKenzie River: McKenzie River Fishing Report
Middle Fork of the Williamette: The Middle Fork Willamette River is open to bait below Dexter Dam only
Quartzville Creek: Light tackle including flies works best, but bait is allowed
Salmon Creek: Will be stocked again this week
Santiam River (South Fork): Hatchery trout harvest season will reopen on May 22
Timber Linn Lake: It will be stocked this week
Walling Pond: The pond will be stocked this week
Waverly Lake: This lake will be stocked this week
Applegate Reservoir: The reservoir is a remarkable 78 percent capacity
Ben Irving Reservoir: Bass fishing has been picking up with some good water conditions
Coos River: Trout fishing in streams and rivers reopen May 22
Coquille River: The mainstem Coquille and the main forks have been running high and muddy
Diamond Lake: Anglers are catching healthy fish that average about 14 inches
Emigrant Reservoir: Water clarity is surprisingly good for this time of year
Fish Lake : Fish lake is ice free
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Access at Howard Prairie is currently limited to the gravel ramp near the dam
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt has already seen its likely peak water level for the year and is now dropping daily
Lemolo Lake: Lemolo is just a few feet from being full
Rogue River - Middle: There are still reports of a few winter fish being caught
Rogue River- Upper: Trout fishing opens on Sunday, May 22
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): This week will see the first trout stockings
Umpqua River: Umpqua River Fishing Report